Bond April 2025
Below are some details on what a BOND is for Pleasant Hill R-III School District.
More details and specific for the April 2025 Bond will be available very soon. Please check back!
Q: What is a bond issue?
A: A “general obligation bond issue” is a debt of the School District that is payable from taxes against property within the School District. The proceeds the District receives from the sale of the general obligation bonds will be used to pay the costs of various capital improvements to District facilities. Principal and Interest payments come from an annual “debt service property tax levy” that is levied against all property within the boundaries of the District.
Q: What will the cost be for taxpayers?
A: This bond issue requires no tax rate increase.
Q: What is required to pass the ballot issues?
A: In order for the no tax rate increase bond to pass in April, a four-sevenths (4/7ths) super-majority (57.15%) is required.