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Pleasant Hill R-III Schools

High School


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Ali Murray
A+ Coordinator
816-540-3111, ext. 5511












Selective Service

The A+ Schools program was created as a component of the Outstanding Schools Act in 1993.  After a mid-year funding of the program in Pleasant Hill in 2001, curriculum alignment was begun, technology and equipment were purchased to enhance the curriculum, and student enrollment was begun.

The A+ program offered through the Missouri Department of Higher Education provides scholarship funds to eligible graduates of A+ designated schools who attend a participating public community college or vocational / technical school has changed its requirements for eligibility beginning with the class of 2015.

A+ Requirements:

  • The student and his/her parent(s) must sign an A+ Student Letter of Intent.

  • Attend a designated A+ high school for two full academic years prior to graduation.

  • Graduate with a 95%attendance average over a four-year period.

  • Graduate with at least a cumulative 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.

  • Perform fifty (50) hours of unpaid tutoring or mentoring. (School sponsored, school property with prior approval from the PH A+ Office).

  • Maintain a good record of good citizenship, including avoidance of the unlawful use of alcohol and drugs, as defined by Pleasant Hill R-III School District Policies.

  • Make a good faith effort to secure all available federal post-secondary student financial assistance funds (PELL/SEGOG) that do not require payment by applying for the FAFSA (MISSOURI Priority Deadline of FEB. 1. Applications are available October 1 @ https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/. Parental income is not a criteria for A+ student incentive reimbursement.

  • Male students must register under the United States Military Selective Service Act and show proof of such registration.

  • Students must score proficient or advanced on the Algebra I OR Algebra II OR Geometry End of Course Exam OR qualify on the mathematics component of the ACT test (see below for sliding scale).  




A+ Letter of Intent (PDF)
Handbook (PDF)
Job Shadowing (PDF)
Tutor Log Sheet (PDF)
A+ Info (powerpoint)
Missouri CORE 42
CORE 42 Powerpoint Presentation
MO Dept. of Higher Education and Workforce Development
Non A+ College / University Incentives (PDF)
College Costs (PDF)
Post Secondary (PDF)
Saving for College

The MDHE will announce the qualifying ACT scores annually.

Sliding Scale



Math Score
  High School
17 and 2.5 or greater
16 and 2.8 or greater
15 and 3.0 or greater



Please Remember
All benefits for A+ are completely dependent upon funding from the Missouri legislature. At any time, the legislature can vote to discontinue or change any and all funding for A+ benefits.

Tuition: A+ will dependent upon legislative funding, provide tuition costs for A+ graduates to attend a Missouri community college or post-secondary technical school.


Click here to view A+ Program Graduates


