Title One
Welcome to PHPS Title 1 Program
PHPS is a Title 1 School. We annually create a school-wide program plan. You can view that plan by clicking here.
Here is a link to the School Parent and Family Engagement Policy.
You can learn more about our program by viewing our Title 1.A Annual Fall Meeting Slides.
Please visit our Title 1 Website to learn more information about our program as well as parent and student resources that can be utilized at home.
Here is a link to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) Complaint Procedure.
Here is a link to our Complaint Procedure as shown in our handbook.
Thank you,
Sara Adams sadams@phr3.org
Kathy Roach karoach@phr3.org
Sara Thompson sthompson@phr3.org